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Spanish language classes and kids programs for children and infants in Ogden and Salt Lake City

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Spanish Summer Camp
Life on the Ocean

In this unit we will explore Life on the Ocean! Whales, mermaids, pirates, sharks, submarines, octopi and little crabs - what an adventure in language! Along the way we'll learn about playing on the beach, what animals eat, clothing vocabulary, counting, colors, and plenty of functional phrases.

Life on the Ocean - La vida en el Mar

Day Time Location
June 6 -9 9am to 1pm New Discovery Montessori 120 E 4600 S Washington Terrace 84405

Call (801)866-7872 to RSVP. Space is limited.

For more information, or to register, click here

Andrea is now teaching Music Lingua classes to her students at New Discovery Montessori!   Contact her for more information.

About your teacher:

Andrea Riches

Andrea is a native of Mexico City, a mother of 2 bilingual boys, has dual citizenship in Mexico and the US, and likes to travel! She was drawn to the English language as a little girl, when her love of English music and books prompted her to start taking lessons in the language. She traveled to the USA for the first time to learn English as a Second Language at Westminster college in Salt Lake City, UT. She met her husband there and married him 7 years later. She has been a Montessori Teacher and a Spanish Specialist for 6 years and has taught from Toddlers to 6th grade students. She enjoys working with children of all ages and is very inspired by all she learns from them. She truly believes that children can learn another language very easily especially if they are introduced to it at a young age. She has witnessed the possibilities with her own children and her many students.