Spanish, German and French language classes for young children Find a Music Lingua class Become a Teacher!

Spanish language classes and kids programs for children in La Grange, Aurora, Desplaines, Orland Park, and the greater Chicago area:

languge class music cd picture

Life on the Ocean

In this unit we will explore Life on the Ocean! Whales, mermaids, pirates, sharks, submarines, octopi and little crabs - what an adventure in language! Along the way we'll learn about playing on the beach, what animals eat, clothing vocabulary, counting, colors, and plenty of functional phrases.

BOOKING is now OPEN for online classes! We have a prerecorded package for children ages 0-8. Video sessions that you can watch at your own leisure for two months. Includes PDF home learning activities and student packet. $125.00 plus shipping

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For more information, or to register, click here

About your teacher:

Marisol Alvarez

Hello! My name is Marisol and I live in La Grange, IL. I have an associates degree in Early Childhood Education. I also have a certificate from Instituto Cervantes to teach Spanish to children and teenagers. I have over ten years of experience teaching Spanish to children. I'm a native Spanish speaker, raised in Chicago. I have two children, who I raised bilingual. I love teaching Spanish to children! I believe is wonderful to start learning Spanish in the early years.