Spanish, German and French language classes for young children Find a Music Lingua class Become a Teacher!

French and Spanish language classes and Kids Programs for children in the Boise area:

languge class music cd picture

Classes are temporarily suspended - please contact Veronica for information about upcoming classes.
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Please contact your Music Lingua teacher for information about upcoming classes.

Spanish parent/child classes for ages 0-8

Day Time Location

If you are interested in signing up for a class and would like to see what an online Music Lingua class is like or are interested in joining a regular parent/child class once the COVID-19 crisis is over, reach out to me for a free sample online class now.

For more information, or to register, click here

About your teacher:

Veronica Fletcher

Veronica was born into a multilingual globetrotting family. At home, her mother always spoke French to her and her siblings, her father English and later on in school she learned to speak Spanish. Veronica attended a French school and graduated with the French Baccalaureate. Twice while growing up, Veronica lived in Southern France with her family for a year each time and summers were often spent there as well with her French extended family. In college, Veronica mainly studied international public health and health education and while doing so she obtained a teaching diploma which she promptly put to use by teaching French for one year at an international school. Soon after she joined the Peace Corps and spent two years as a volunteer in a Spanish-speaking country. Several years and countries later, Veronica is married and has two children with whom she speaks French and has done so since birth. She was lucky to have the opportunity to home school them for a year and a half following a French curriculum. Once her children went back to public school however, getting them to speak French was easier said than done. Learning and keeping up a foreign language in a predominantly monolingual society is a challenge for many families. Veronica realized at that moment that she could help other parents introduce a new language or keep up an existing second language in their homes. The Music Lingua program makes this possible and she can now share her language skills with other children and families in a fun and engaging way.