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German language classes and kids programs for children and infants in Boise

languge class music cd picture

Language Classes in Boise
Life on the Farm

Join us in the fun as we explore Life on the Farm! Through the fun songs, games, activities, stories and art projects we'll learn all about the animals that live on the farm. We'll keep up on our counting and colors, and practice many other useful phrases too. Let's go to the Farm!

Life on the Farm

Day Time Location
June 24-28 9:00-12:30 Sunny Days Learning Academy 4812 W Franklin Rd, Boise

June 24-28 Ages 4-8 $200 Includes Materials
Sibling Discount $100 for 2nd Child (Extra Workbook and Animal, upon Request)

For more information, or to register, click here

About your teacher:

Angie Day

Angie has been working in early childhood education since 2010. She is excited to offer foreign language for students.