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German language classes and kids programs for children and infants in Peyton and Colorado Springs

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Nature Preschool little KIGA Farm with a German Curriculum
Life on the Farm

Join us in the fun as we explore Life on the Farm! Through the fun songs, games, activities, stories and art projects we'll learn all about the animals that live on the farm. We'll keep up on our counting and colors, and practice many other useful phrases too. Let's go to the Farm!

About your teacher:

Sandra McDowell Richardson

Guten Tag! Mein Name is Sandra McDowell Richardson. I have been a German preschool teacher from Germany since 1998. After successfully completing a three year training with a graduated diploma as a preschool/kindergarten teacher at Helene-Lange-School in Mannheim/Germany, I worked in two different Kindergartens until I had my second child Dorian, and a year later my daughter Darisha.I came to the USA (Colorado Springs) in 2002 and have lived here since. I worked for a day care and after that for a Preschool. In 2011 I opened my own Nature Preschool with a German/American preschool curriculum in Peyton, Colorado ( I am already teaching German words to the children in my preschool, and I feel that Music Lingua will further their education in foreign languages. It has always been my professional goal to work with children. I know that my special skills of playing the guitar, singing, leading a class in creative play and craft, all fluently in German, are a tremendous asset as a Music Lingua Teacher. My Music Lingua classes do not only include teaching German through music it also gives the children the oppotunities to get some social skills while playing together at free play in my Preschool and also at my nature outside playground.In the 5 hours I am together with the children I try to give them a little bit a routine of a German preschool enviroment. We learn the days of the week, we count our calendar in German, we tell the weather on our pretend TV and much more.So if you are ready to let your child learn the German language than I can't wait to meet you and your little one!