Spanish, German and French language classes for young children Find a Music Lingua class Become a Teacher!

Spanish language classes and kids programs for children and infants in Boulder

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Life on the Ocean

In this unit we will explore Life on the Ocean! Whales, mermaids, pirates, sharks, submarines, octopi and little crabs - what an adventure in language! Along the way we'll learn about playing on the beach, what animals eat, clothing vocabulary, counting, colors, and plenty of functional phrases.

Classes are temporarily suspended. Please contact Angie for information about upcoming classes.

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About your teacher:

Angie Guerricabeitia Luke

Angie's interest in language and cultural diversity started at a young age. She grew up in a family that valued and maintained her Basque cultural heritage. This fostered a passion for studying language and music as well as other components of culture. She studied Spanish throughout school and studied abroad in San Sebastian, Spain during college. She has had the opportunity to travel to Spain on numerous occasions to visit family and has traveled to both Argentina and Costa Rica. Before becoming a mom, Angie taught bilingual education at the primary level in Longmont for 9 years. She has a Masters in Second Language Acquisition and Special Education. Angie is excited about sharing her passion for language and music with you through Music Lingua!